If you’ve been following me on social media for the past couple months, you’ve probably seen me mention my new brand that I’ve been working on called Mama BARE! Although it is an apparel line, this brand hits different because it’s sharing what I went through post-partum with my son, which included body changes and my mind set. With this brand I’m also looking forward to sharing other stories of women with their journey of motherhood.

So, you’re probably wondering how the name came about? Well, I remember my son Quad being around 6 or 7 months, my husband would explain to people how protective I am over Quad, especially when I think that he is playing too rough with him! I would overhear him calling me a mama bear. I always thought it was funny, and true!
Instead of Bear, I went with BARE comes from the transparency part I’ve dealt with motherhood. As a first time mom you are literally stripped of your old ways and emerging into a new woman. My experience from dealing with postpartum and body dysmorphia assured me that I’m not the only one that has experienced those things,and how I can help the next woman feel comfortable about her new body.

Crazy thing is that I’ve always wanted to design a loungewear brand. I love the comfort and style that comes with leggings, robes, and tshirts. I’ve always been a fan of basics and being able to wear them dressed up or down.
I’m looking forward to catering to new moms, not only welcoming their new bundle of joy, but helping them embrace the changes that come with it! I hope y'all enjoy Mama BARE.

Be sure to follow our new instagram @shopmamabare and the new website www.shopmamabare.com will be up soon!